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Downloads | Gallery Templates

Galleries are primarily aimed for a perfect alignment and adjustment of images in the process of importing images but can also be used for presentations. Gallery and presentation templates are managed in an identical list on systemoptions tab  |Galleries|  but both can have separate settings for activation and sequencing.

Find below some gallery templates for download and free use. By link [Preview] a preview of the layout can be displayed. To install such gallery template, simply download the patch file on any local OnyxCeph³™ network client and load  via menu Options|Install Patch. Done this, the layout will be available on all clients.1

 [Preview] Onyx_Images_9
 [Preview] Onyx_Images_8
 [Preview] Onyx_Images_4
 [Preview] Onyx_Intraoral_5


1 Please note that it might be necessary to customize the layouts with respect to the individual parameters for image size, font size, and desktop settings etc. on the local client.
Read more about how to customize templates here.

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