
FAQs | Onyx Communication Options






By its so-called container system, OnyxCeph³™ supports a synchronized data exchange between multiple separate Onyx databases for the same or for different licensees. By this feature, e.g. one practice can handover and synchronize data between several locations in case a patient is moving between these locations. Or, a doctor can export complete cases to his notebook or home PC (e.g. for treatment preparation, case presentation, discussion with other doctors, courses, conferences etc.) and, if appropriate, can re-import and sync the cases after modification in the practice database.

If the container system is used to import data from another OnyxCeph³™ user, on the importing end a separate database section (Practice/Client) will be automatically created for the sender. All future data imported from the same licensee by container exchange will be added to this separate section. Thus, each such client has its own patient list. . read more (PDF) ...


While the above described container communication option can exclusively be used by and between authorized OnyxCeph³™ users, the OnyxReport option allows OnyxCeph³™ users to provide patient information and finding data also for non- (authorized) users by a standalone 2D|3D image viewer software. read more (PDF) ...


A nice and simple (but applicable to 3D surface data only) feature for the visualization of OnyxCeph³™ 3D data to partners/customers is to export and provide the files on a web server in IIWGL file format using webGL. This Option is only available in program version OnyxCeph3™ 3D Lab. read more (PDF) ...


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